Aaron Loveitt, sculptures

Across the saltwater flats of Samish Bay, up the tidal slough and into the evergreen cloak of shoreline forest lie remnants of a pioneer’s day past.  Unusual objects become clues into a recent history when resources were abundant and man’s ingenuity made quick work.  Now a generation of silt and duff fold over these relics forming a catacomb of what once was; perhaps another clue into the fate of today’s ingenuity as we scrape up what’s left.

“This work is a replica of an old growth red cedar stump on Blanchard Mountain near my studio. It is one in a series of work that explores “Relics”, both past and future as I explore this spot where forest meets the water.” Aaron Loveitt

24” x 81” x 91”
deep reclaimed / repurpose steel
This is the old growth red cedar that influenced the sculpture “Fell”.
Notes and dimensions of the stump mapped out.
Aaron Loveitt
Salvaged Steel
24″ x 7″ x 6″
$1,500 ea.


Created as part of a series exploring “Relics”, both past and future, these objects portray the smoke stacks of the oil refinery along the distant shore. 

Forming one of the sculptures “Stacks”