Kathleen Secrest, abstracts and landscapes paintings


Please contact the Matzke Gallery for purchase, 360-387-2759 or email matzke@camano.net.

Kathleen Secrest
A Walk on the Strand
Oil on Canvas
30” x 30”
Kathleen Secrest
Oil on Canvas
24” x 24”
Kathleen Secrest
12” x12” framed 20” x 20”
Kathleen Secrest
Oil on Canvas
36” x 36” 
Kathleen Secrest
Ebb and Flow
Oil on Canvas
36” x 24”
Kathleen Secrest
Bottom of the Hill
12” x12” framed 20” x 20”
Kathleen Secrest
Dark Mountain
9” x 9” framed 17” x17”
Kathleen Secrest
11” x 8” framed 21” x 17”
Kathleen Secrest
Skagit Sunset 
9.5 “x 15.5” framed 17” x 23”
$850 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Inland Waterway
Oil on Canvas
40” x 20”
Kathleen Secrest
Yellow Cloud
40” x 20”
Kathleen Secrest
Brighter Side
12” x 12” framed 20″ x 20″
Kathleen Secrest
Reflecting the Landscape
21” x 21” framed 30” x 30”
Kathleen Secrest 
Someday Soon
Framed: 15 x 26,  Soft pastel
Kathleen Secrest, “Wet Lands”, 2024 pastel $1500 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest 
Lucent Mood
Framed: 27 x 27,  Soft pastel
Kathleen Secrest, Break in the Storm, framed 27 x 27 Soft Pastel  SOLD
Cloudy Day
framed 12 x 12
Soft Pastel
framed 12 x 12
Soft Pastel
Kathleen Secrest
Aspen Trees
12” x 12” Soft Pastel
$375 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest 
Tidal Creek
12” x 12” Soft Pastel
$375 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Winter Hill
12” x 12” Oil on panel
Kathleen Secrest 
Land Mass II
12” x 12” Oil on panel
Kathleen Secrest
Low Tide
12 x 12
Oil & cold wax on panel
$225 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
High Seas
12 x 12
Oil & cold wax on panel
$300 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Stormy Day
12 x 12
Oil & cold wax on panel
$300 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
12 x 12
Oil & cold wax on panel
Kathleen Secrest
The Sound
12 x 12
Oil & cold wax on panel
Kathleen Secrest
24 x 24
Oil & cold wax on panel
Kathleen Secrest
36 x 36
Oil & cold wax on canvas
$1300 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Rain on the Fields
24 x 24
Oil & cold wax on panel
$650 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Bright Sunshiny Day
framed 19 x19
Soft pastel on paper
Kathleen Secrest
16 x 16
Oil & cold wax on panel
$400 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Doorway to Sunshine
20 x 20
Oil & cold wax on canvas
Kathleen Secrest
Weather from the West
24 x 24
Oil & cold wax on panel
$650 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Soft Pastel
19 x 19 
Kathleen Secrest
On the Brighter Side
Soft Pastel
27 x 27 
$1200 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Distant Sand
Soft Pastel
19 x 19 
Kathleen Secrest
Soft Pastel
19 x 19 
Kathleen Secrest
Green Opening
framed 27x 27
Soft Pastel
Kathleen Secrest
Looking through the Window
at a Fine Spring Day
framed 19 x 19
Soft Pastel
Kathleen Secrest
Re-emerging #1
20 x 20
Mixed Media, Oil and
Cold Wax on Canvas
Kathleen Secrest
Re-emerging #2
20 x 20
Mixed Media, Oil and
Cold Wax on Canvas
Kathleen Secrest
Red Sail
framed 12 x 12
Soft Pastel
Kathleen Secrest
Rocky Shore
framed 15 x 15
Soft Pastel
$450 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
36 x 36
Oil & Cold Wax on Canvas
$1300 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Just a Passing Storm
framed 30 x 30
Soft Pastel
Kathleen Secrest
Light on the Horizon
framed 19 x 19
Soft Pastel
$800 SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Backlit Clouds
framed 17 x 17
Soft Pastel
Kathleen Secrest
A Sliver of Sunset
Soft Pastel
19 x 19 
Kathleen Secrest
Looking Toward the Olympics 
Soft Pastel
19 x 19 
Kathleen Secrest  
“Night and Day”
Soft Pastel 
 27H x 27W  SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Filling the Spaces Within
20 x 20 oil & cold wax SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
I Remember a River
20 x 20 oil & cold wax SOLD
Kathleen Secrest
Low Tide Beach Walk
20 x 20 oil & cold wax SOLD

My paintings are the expression of my belief in the importance of having personal interactions with the natural world. For me, the act of painting is the act of observing and responding to not only what is before my eyes, but also to the feelings that arise from those interactions.
Since I believe the environmental problems we face today have been intensified by a lessoning of our culture’s connection to and respect for the natural world, I seek to engage people in thinking about nature. Through abstraction, I hope to encourage them to think about our connection to water, sunlight and other elements of the environment beyond the limits of a representational scene.
Working from nature reminds me this place is one organism, everything connected.
I paint as a way of honoring the organism and the natural beauty around me.
Kathleen has been a painter for more than 30 years. Working in both oil and pastel she has received regional and national awards. She is a signature member of both the Northwest Pastel Society, and the Pastel Society of America, and a juried member of Women Painters of Washington. Her paintings have been exhibited on the east coast in New York and New Hampshire as well as throughout the Pacific Northwest in both group and solo exhibits.
Working for the more than 20 years as an art director, graphic designer and illustrator she has been honored with national, regional and local awards. As Art Director for the University of New Hampshire, she received several CASE awards and as a graphic designer she received several local and regional ADDY Awards.