2020″Woman Painters of Wash”
This fabulous show is on line. (scroll down) If you have any questions about the art or artist and you would like to purchase any artworks, please call 360-387-2759
(Pricing does not include 8.7% sales tax, shipping available or curb side pickup. )
ARTISTS: Mary Anderson, Sherri Bails, Jacqui Beck, Pamela Beer, Beth Van Faasen Betker, Whitney Buckingham Beechie, Ellen Busteed, Larine Chung, Marilyn Charlat Dix, Helen Drummond, Amy Ferron, Julie Fisco, Kristi Galindo Dyson, Sharon Grader, Judith Heim, Janet Hamilton, Sheri Jacobson, Emiliya Lane, Donna Leavitt, Magali Lenarczak, Darlene Gentry Lucas, Mary Jo Maute, Jane Mayer, Susan K, Miller, Barbara Benedetti Newton, Barbara Noonan, Joy S. Olney, Judith Perry, Molly Preston, Cheryl A. Richey, Gayle Scholl, Kathleen Secrest, Hiroko Seki, Beverly Shaw Starkovich, Marjorie Thompson, Susanne Werner, Susie Wind. Invited sculptors: Jan Hoy, Tracy Powell and Randal Leek.

Kristi Galindo Dyson__Flotsam_acrylic/graphite 32×32 $1500
email: matzke@camano.net

Beverly Shaw-Starkovich painting $800. & Randal Leek sculpture SOLD

Judith Perry with her painting

Susie Wind with her art

Susie Wind “Sentinel” 24 x 18 oil $1000.

Tracy Powell sculpture, Barbara Newton pastel & Beth Betker oil painting

Donna Leavitt, graphite drawing SOLD & Sabah Al-Dhaher sculpture $1300

Judith Heim with her art.

Judith Heim”Fox and Hare” mixed media 30 x 24. SOLD

Wind, Susie _Gasworks Summer_ 24h x 24w oil $1200.

Kristi Galindo Dyson, Here and Now, 32×32 acrylic/graphite 1500

3 Paintings by Kristi Galindo Dyson, each are 32 x 32 acrylic w/ graphite $1500

Kristi Galindo Dyson_Blue_acrylic/graphite 32×32 $1500

Werner, Susanne_ Relationships III_18 x 18 encaustic $800.

Thompson, Marjorie “Flicker’ encaustic SOLD

Thompson, Marjorie _ A Brief Occurrence_40h x 30w encaustic SOLD

Shaw-Starkovich, Beverly_ Fallo’ Bianco(White Mist)12h x 24w acrylic $800

Seki, Hiroko_ Isseini(Thousands)_39h X 34w Sumi and Soy medium $1700

Secrest, Kathleen _ Night and Day_27 x 27 pastel $1300 SOLD

Scholl, Gayle_Time Portal II_14h x 11w. cold wax & oil SOLD

Richey, Cheryl_Off the Wall No1_22h x12w x 3.5d mixed medium $530.

Preston, Molly_ Mosaic_20h x 24w _oil. $900.

Perry, Judith, Early Fall on the Willapa, 38 x 38 oil SOLD

Olney, Joy_Missing You_16h x 20w oil $1450.

Noonan, Barbara_Gentle Morning _19 x19 pastel SOLD

Newton, Barbara_Grassland_ 19h x 25w pastel $1200.

Barbara Newton “Rock Creek” 19 x 21 pastel $1400.

Miller, Susan K_ Waterfall_36h x12w oil $700

Mayer, Jane _ Afternoon Glow_22h x 28w oil $750.

Maute, MaryJo_Falling through the Web_acrylic 40h X 45w acrylic $1100.

Lucas, Darlene_Quantum Fields_39h x 31w watercolor SOLD

Lenarczak, Magali_Fish Out Of Water_27h x 21.5w watercolor. $1440.

Leavitt, Donna_The Lovers_28h x 45w_graphite $5000. SOLD

Lane, Emiliya_Color of the night_16 x 20 acrylic $850.

Jacobson, Sheri_”Namaste”_20h x16w acrylic $375.

Hamilton, Janet_Magic Clouds_15h x17w pastel $500 SOLD

Hamilton, Janet “Evening Glow” 25 x 31 pastel $1200.

Grader, Sharon_Words Lift Me Up_12h x12w encaustic $290.

Fisco, Julie_”Equinox” etching_14x17 etching over woodcut. $325.

Ferron, Amy_After Midnight_30h x 24w collage SOLD

Drummond, Helen_The Road Less Traveled_22h x18w oil. $700.

Charlat Dix, Marilyn “Solo”_25h x 25w mixed. media $1750.

Chung, Larine_”Aroma Of Hope”, oil_24h x 24w oil $2400.

Chung, Larine Aroma of Faith 24 x 24 oil $2400.

Busteed, Ellen_Exciting Possibilities_18hx24w. acrylic $700.

Buckingham Beechie, Whitney_Synchronicity Vibrations_36x36 indigo dye, encaustic and resin. $3800.

Betker, Beth Van Faasen_Commencement_40x30 oil $1200.

Beer,Pamela_Source_36h x 20w oil & cold wax $1400.

Beck, Jacqui_Getting Along With Strangers_30hx30w. mixed media $1600.

Bails, Sherri_Poppies_16hx20w watercolor $700.

Anderson, Mary_Crossing the Sound_15hx19w watercol0r $450.
Plus, new sculptures in the ten acre park, over a 140 sculptures to choose from for something perfect in your garden !

to see more, click on Jan Hoy
We would love to help make your next event, meeting or workshop a memorable occasion. For more info.,please click on For Your Next Event. OPEN every weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) 11 to 5, weekdays by appt. 360-387-2759 matzke@camano.net ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________