Stone Carving Workshop 2024

3 Day Stone Carving Workshop

June 28, 29 and 30. (sign up before June 1st)   

Matzke Fine Art Gallery & Sculpture Park (3000 sq/ft interior space and a 10 acre Sculpture Park)

on beautiful Camano Island, WA The three day workshop cost $450, includes: great snacks & lunches every day. Instruction from master carver, Kentaro Kojima. Marenakos Rock Center and Neolithic Stone will provide stones during the workshop at a discount, loaner tools provided by the Northwest Stone Sculpture Association.

For further information and applications do not hesitate to call or email; or call 360-387-2759


The 2024 Stone Sculpture Hand Tooling Workshop is open to the general public 17 years and older.  This sculpture workshop is designed to accommodate beginning carvers as well as more experienced sculptors.


 $ 450. per person total   (nonrefundable after June 1st)

  • Stone Sculpture instruction from Master Stone Carver; Kentaro Kojima
  • Snacks and Catered lunches
  • Individual Critiques
  • There are several B & B available Camano Island Chamber of Commerce: Home  Lodging will be your responsibility or you may want to commute from home.
  • Cancellation: After June 1st, you forfeit the workshop cost.

Full payment is due with the completed application forms by June 1, 2024 



Early applications are welcome,  All documents and payment must be at Matzke Fine Art Gallery, 2345 Blanche Way, Camano Island, Wa 98282  by June 1, 2024. call: 360-387-2759 or Please email:  

Having carved stone at Karla Matzke’s sculpture workshop for the last 13 years, I can truly say it’s a reveling experience. I was a novice and every year since, I’ve seen my work develop. You get to the core of your soul in those 3 days. I am looking forward to creating another artful stone piece once again this year.  Fatima Young

Sketching in stone.  That’s the best way I know of describing the process I experience when putting chisel to stone.  The original shape of the stone itself seems always faithful to recommend the gesture that’s to be pursued.  This suggested gesture then sets into motion a period of pondering–of envisioning what twists, turns and inter twinings might be held within the stone. Then comes the first tap of the chisel.  And with that first tap, the “conversation” is begun.  As with any good conversation, the pauses prove every bit as rich as the thoughts that are exchanged.  Listening precedes each word that’s spoken  Listening leads to the next tap of the chisel, which is followed yet again by a listening pause.  One thing leads beautifully and mysteriously to another.  — Don Haggerty; attendee in the Stone Carving.